Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A short intermission from recent work

Since there's been a slight lull in my posts lately, I wanted to add another two prints from my days as a letterpresser. I probably sound like a broken record but I really can't stress enough how much I miss printing on a Vandercook.

These are from the very beginning of our time in the letterpress studio when we were just learning how everything ran and worked. One of the first things we had to do was practice setting type and we were told to look into our saved text messages for inspiration. It seems like a weird combination - cell phones and letterpress - but the point really was just to come up with content quickly and get to work setting it up...

If you know me at all, you know the story behind this text...and I'll leave it at that. But really, it's too perfect not to post. The larger text is printed from wood type and the detail is exquisite in person, you really can't fake it.

Also we were able to print from the shop's plate of the California Job Case, the one that I surprisingly memorized.. but only after a full semester of setting type, of course. If I had to set a sentence now it would be like starting all over.. good thing I saved my diagram! Hopefully I'll get to use it again one day. (I'll be praying that whatever shop I'm using follows this layout.. fat chance though, sadly.)

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