Thursday, April 28, 2011

Studio #28

For my first year in the MFAI program all of my things lived in studio #28. It's not the biggest of the spaces, nor the smallest. It fills up with sunlight in the afternoon but can't compare to some others that have skylights. It sits near the kitchen, making trips to the watercooler quick, but lunch-time and dinner-time are always quite noisy with conversation. It was just an average space, a good studio for me, but soon I must bid it farewell.

I'll be moving on to #8, the current storage studio that no one has loved for years. It sits near the computer area which will make for conversation and gossip central at all times except for lunch and dinner time, the opposite of what I've grown used to. I promise to make it the best and coziest that I can and although I'll be looking out of my imaginary window, I'll still be unbelievably grateful to not be in a crowded cubicle where four studios are smushed together anymore.

Here's to the last day of classes of our first year!

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